
Misfits discography friday the 13th
Misfits discography friday the 13th

It's not always a bad thing, but that's just my very, very brief opinion on this era of the band. Just throwing in my 2 cents here, but the "Graves" era definitely had some highlight songs the "horror" aspect just became a little too campy. They're completely different sounds, and essentially two different bands, aside from some common members and a shared band name. A lot of comparisons are drawn between the "Danzig" era and the "Graves" era, though the two are really apples and oranges. They recorded two full-lengths in the late 90's. This new sound was much more polished and heavy metal influenced, though nicely complimented by Graves' melodic voice. They would include some of the old songs in their live sets, but immediately sought to put out their own music. Besides the name and image, this new incarnation shared almost nothing with the original Misfits. In 1995, he reformed The Misfits with Doyle on guitar again, and eventually was joined by drummer Dr. After years of legal disputes between Danzig and Only, the name and logo were finally allowed to be used by Only. Now, like I said, the band that existed between 19, the brainchild of Glenn Danzig, turned out to only be what you can call the "first" era of three in this band's history. Only and Doyle laid low some years after The Misfits, though they did play in a Christian metal band for a while. Danzig formed Samhain, a project which was more experimental and metal oriented than The Misfits, and that would later form into his main project (known simply as Danzig) that solidified his transition into the metal genre. The hardcore influence has taken over their sound, with the band playing at such blisteringly heavy speeds that they became an influence on thrash metal. With Robo (formerly of Black Flag) now drumming, they released Earth A.D./Wolfs Blood in 1983. Just before the first era of this band came to an end, one more album was released. The songs are faster and more aggressive, yet still retain that same incredible songwriting talent, which is what made The Misfits stand out. This album displays their transition from being a punk band to a hardcore band.

misfits discography friday the 13th

This line-up is probably their best known, and the one that recorded their classic full-length Walk Among Us in 1982. Around this time is when Jerry Only's younger brother, who's known as Doyle, joined the band as their guitarist.

misfits discography friday the 13th

Songs from this session were included on a handful of singles, and the majority were re-recorded for their actual debut full-length. 12 Hits From Hell was nearly released in 2001, but was cancelled at the last minute.

misfits discography friday the 13th

In 1980 they recorded another album, which would once again not see the light of day. In their lyrics, Danzig began to take influence from older horror films, which is why they're now famous for inventing "horror punk", and why they're played on repeat around Halloween. They began wearing all black, and growing out their now-iconic devilock (just look at almost any picture of them and you'll know what it is immediately). They also begin to adopt the horror theme to both their music and image. Following this, the band would endure a few line-up changes (with Danzig and Only being the only two consistent members), a few more singles, and quite a bit of touring. A chunk of these songs became the Bullet single, which was a great introduction to both the gritty intensity of the band, as well as their penchant for aggressive yet surprisingly catchy songwriting. Their first album, Static Age, was recorded in 1978, but was never formally released until 1997 (more on that below the link). With the addition of a guitarist after this single, they shifted their style to a more punk rock sound, in the vein of the Ramones. They only released one single, Cough/Cool, which stands out in comparison to all their other work due to the use of an electric piano instead of guitar, which gives their debut single a very haunting, almost Doors-esque feel to it. Glenn Danzig, along with bassist Jerry Only and drummer Manny Martinez, form the very first incarnation of The Misfits.

Misfits discography friday the 13th